Mollie isn't stupid; she knows nothing is perfect. But she wants to make sure her relationship is the perfect imperfection for her.
Happy Anniversary is the 2018 Netflix indie-esque romantic comedy you probably haven't seen but should. Couple reach their third anniversary only to re-evaluate their relationship, of course complete with flashbacks to their first encounters, dates, and sex. Is it mind-blowingly original? Perhaps not. But it's well done and, most of all, honest.
Mollie's boyfriend Sam says that she gets off on never being happy when everything is fucking fine. This may have been the first "Oh shit" moment for me. I mean, I knew I was getting into an emotional indie romance. But I hadn't realized that I'd inadvertently picked out the world's finest relationship OCD (ROCD) film. Mollie isn't stupid; she knows nothing is perfect. But she wants to make sure her relationship is the perfect imperfection for her. Holy. Shit.
Embarking on the inevitable path of following her doubts, she shows up on her parents' stoop with suitcase in tow after asking for a "break." The story weaves between past and present, as present-day Mollie analyzes her doubts and questions her relationship and the rightness of continuing it into the future. Mostly, it felt good to relate to a character so much.
We also see Sam express his frustration and hurt at her inability to commit, accusing her of always leaving the door open. At one point, he wishes he could have accepted his previous dull relationship because at least he never felt like "this." Anyone who has hurt someone or been hurt because of relationship doubts can appreciate this side of the painful experience.
The greatest deviation from real life may simply be that no one is there giving her terrible advice, like that maybe she wouldn't be feeling these things if she belonged with Sam. In fact, her mom repeatedly points out that she clearly loves Sam (it's obvious she does). This is the perfect movie for anyone who has been affected by ROCD both because it is so relatable and also for its ultimate embrace of uncertainty. Whereas Hollywood is full of movies about needing to move on over the slightest twinge of doubt (anathema for those struggling with obsessive relationship doubts), Happy Anniversary embraces imperfection and celebrates taking action while still uncertain.
So get your ROCD ass over to Netflix ASAP. Or just watch it cause, ya know - it's good.